A CMakeLists.txt file to create a binary of each file within a directory. Each c++ source file within the directory needs to have its own main entry function.
Write a program which simulates a rabit and turtle race.
Write a program which generate a random maze.
Write a program which traverse a character ‘X’ within a maze.
Write a program which finds minimum value within an array using recursive function.
Write a program which reverses a string using recursion.
Write a which creates a function take an array along with its start and end as input and prints it.
Write a program which validates a string to be a palindrome recursively.
Write a program which prints prime number using Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Write a program which calculates each salesman commission which is 9% of the sale.
Write a program which inputs two integer and calculate GCD (Greatest Common Divisor).
Write a program which demonstrate tower of hanoi movement of 3 disks from peg [1 to 3] using iterative method.
Write a program which demonstrate tower of Hanoi movement of 3 disks from peg [1 to 3] using recursive method.
Write a program to find LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two numbers using recursive function.
Write a program which implements the power function using recursion.
Write a program to find LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two numbers.
Write a program which find perfect number between [1-1000]. A perfect number is a number which equals to the sum of its divisors.
Write a program which calculates a factor of a number e.g. 4562.
Write a program prints random number from set a, b and c.
Write a program which prints diamond using least amount of print statements.
Write a program to display number system table (decimal, binary, octal and Hexadecimal).
Write a program to calculate factorial of a non negative number.
Write a program which inputs 5 digit integer to determine if its palindrome or not.
Write a program which prints a hollow square using asterisks (*) with size of sides of square as input.
Write a program which calculates salesman commission. The salesman commission is 9% of the sales, and his gross pay is 200.
Write a program which inputs 5 digit integer and separate the integer and print them with three spaces difference.
A binary heap is a heap data structure that takes a form of binary tree. Heaps are commonly implemented using array.
You can use a main function in python just like C with command line arguments. The main function executes by default for the script and accepts two arguments (argc, argv). The argument argc is the arguments count and argv has the python List of command line arguments.
Consider this a hitch hiker guide or method / manners to deal with a remote interview. Interviews no matter where they happen on location or remote have one common goal, which is filling the gaps.
Write a function to find even or odd parity of a number.
Write a function to count number of positive bits or ‘1’ for an integer input.